Magical Life of Alpha Brainwaves

Find out about our Alpha brain waves and how they can unlock secrets to optimal health, performance, and manifestation.

Manifestation of Alpha brainwaves

Manifestation of Alpha brainwaves


What if we lived in a world of calm instead of anxiety, happiness instead of depression, and harmony instead of chaos...

Our mind, body, spirit connection is deeper than we can fathom.  Neuroscientists have primed infinite possibilities with their discoveries since the ancient Greeks first studied the brain. 

Apparently philosopher Aristotle had a theory that the brain was a blood-cooling mechanism.

We now know enough about the ever changing, growing, communicating, electric brain as we need to understand that we haven't even scratched the surface.

I begin my understanding with this divine interconnectedness when we refer to the term FLOW - an optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best. (Mihaly Csikszentmihaliy)

I can describe flow in my most competitive volleyball years...the crowd blurs, the game slows, my body floating through time and space, my mind in a calm focus, solutions presented before problems arise. 

Everything in harmony and everything makes sense.  It is quite literally euphoria.

Neuroscientists recognize the flow state to take place during Alpha brain waves.  There are 5 types of brain waves, Alpha is between conscious thinking and the unconscious mind.  It is a state of calm alertness where we create new visions, heal our bodies, and manifest are best lives.  

During alpha brain state our nervous system relaxes, unlocking tensions stored in our bodies to create ease where there was "dis-ease".  Our brain can then communicate with our bodies through electrical signals and we can sync with an elevated thought or level of consciousness. 

Being in alpha is a rather spiritual experience...some say alpha state may be considered a bridge from the external world to the internal world, and vice versa. 

When we perceive the world serene and peaceful, as in the alpha state, our abilities and possibilities are limitless.  Creativity is boosted during this state, which breaks down stagnant thought processes and enhances problem solving.  Suddenly our world is connected and we are at ease...ready to manifest.

This is where positive thinking becomes essential to our healing process.  Our thoughts and visions become clear in alpha, and exist in the present moment.  Our bodies are relaxed, open, and self aware...trauma can come out which allows it to heal. If our bodies are able to receive the signals from our minds within this frequency to heal then our beings can also communicate with the world around us in a more meaningful way.  

People vary in frequency of experiencing this state, here are 5 natural ways to boost your alpha waves:

1)  MEDITATION - take a few minutes each day to completely relax your body and mind, tune in to your breath, and release the tension for deep healing.

2)  MINDFULLNESS - be completely present with what you are doing, acknowledging your thoughts and feelings and letting them be.

3)  VISUALIZATION - picture individual aspects of your life the best they could possibly be from your imagination and give your thoughts space to multiply.

4)  AEROBIC EXERCISE - take a long hike, walk, swim, or jump rope and get into the zone.

5)  BINEURAL BEATS - listen to specific music created to trigger alpha waves, more in related articles below.

I highly encourage everyone to learn about our different types of brain waves and tap into alpha to heal our body, create new visions, and optimize performance... this might just be the key to unlock our best lives!

Stay tuned for more Wonders of Being biohacks in upcoming journals!
